Get your 10!

Dec 1 / Lisanne van Swigchem
When we start a new project, we may have doubts. Will we succeed? Will we be good at it?

A fun method to make your subconscious mind work for you is to use the "Perfect future thinking" technique. Your subconscious mind influences your outcomes for 90%. Your conscious mind only for 10%.

Before you start a new project, plant seeds of success in the garden of your mind.
Here's how:

Imagine that you are living in the future - six weeks from now.

You write a letter to yourself - to the version of yourself that has been working on this project for six weeks.

This letter begins as follows:
"Dear < fill in your name >,
I have had a look at your results with this project and I see your successes. I am giving you a ten as your grade for this project!"
Now write this letter to yourself. How did you earn this 10? What happened? What did you do?

Describe it. Have fun!

By writing this letter, you are planting a seed in the garden of your mind. Your mind receives an impulse to make the content of your letter a reality.

Put this letter in an envelope. Ask someone to post this letter to you in three weeks' time. Or put the letter away and put a reminder in your agenda for three weeks from now. Then read your letter. Enjoy!

More joy: Read your letter regularly in a relaxed state. This will allow your subconscious mind to get used to the idea of your success. And then it will work to make it a reality.

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